Sonixcursions:007 Podcast

sonixcursions podcast 7I’m not here to tell you how messed up the world is right now on many fronts. It’s a difficult time in history to find any rays of light, but hopefully I can offer some solace from the real world if only for a short time. Put on your headphones, take a walk and let your mind float with the music.

Air Formation “You Have To Go Somewhere” – from 2007’s Daylight Storms

Jon Brooks “A Lesson On Attachment”

Epic45 “Among Ruins” – off their latest We Were Never Here

Magic Castles “Asuras” – a track from the forthcoming release Sun Reign

Halftribe “We Are Dust” – from 2020’s Archipelago on the Sound In Silence label

All In The Golden Afternoon “Say Goodbye”- pulled from a recently release collection of outtakes called Lucite Vision

Kosmischer Läufer “Der Leuchtturn am Ende der Zeit” – This journey ends at the lighthouse at the end of time…

As always thanks for listening, and sign up for the email newsletter to get monthly updates on these and other bands featured in the podcasts.

Stay safe out there…

Ryan Anderson

Author: Ryan Anderson

My name is Ryan Anderson, music aficionado, technologist, and former editor/publisher of Masstransfer zine. I’ve been following these genres for almost 25 years now and these are my favorite bands and albums.