
sonixcursions 004Take a road trip down memory lane as I throw in a virtual mixtape of sun baked tracks pulled from the archives.

This episode is inspired by those late summer jaunts we would take around Labor Day weekend, grabbing at the last straws of summer, trying to enjoy a little bit of warm freedom before fall and winter hit in Michigan. Usually we would drive east towards New York, New Jersey, Boston, just to get away and there would always be lots and lots of music because there was lots and lots of time. We would dub some mixtapes before we would go so we’d have things to listen to in the car.

Included in this episode: Transient Waves, Magic Castles, Perplexa, The Lightshines, The Asteroid #4, SIANSpheric, Mazarin and Clear Horizon – a joint effort from Jessica Bailiff and David Pearce of Flying Saucer Attack, dating back to 2003.

For more information on the podcast and the bands included, please subscribe to the email newsletter. Thanks for listening!

Masstransfer << Rewind: Perplexa

This article was originally published in the third issue of Masstransfer, 1999.


It has been said that in order to produce a great work of art, the creator must struggle and suffer to achieve the breakthrough that will make their art unique. If this is true, then Perplexa’s new CD is a masterpiece, representing a leap forward in both song quality and musicianship. Sustained by guitarist Rob Schurgin and drummer Jon Wald, Perplexa has survived 4 years of personnel changes, studio relocations and a general life of poverty in order to truly express the music within them.

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